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生物科学系为学生提供了开始研究的机会 development of an exciting, rewarding career in any one of its numerous fields.  The 学院在课堂和实验室提供扎实的低年级本科生培训 设置,实地考察,与研讨会客座讲师和俱乐部参与的互动.  学校还鼓励学生参加校园组织和课外活动 activities, volunteer work, and to obtain summer jobs and internships.

生命科学中可能被初步探索和研究的研究领域 包括生物学、植物学、植物分类学、人体解剖学和生理学, microbiology, genetics, ecology, soil science and zoology.  These areas and courses prepare students to transfer to a university in their chosen field. 

虽然生物学是一门涉及面很广的学科,但做好充分准备的学生修习一门课程 学习生物学的学生经常可以从一个领域或职业轨道到另一个领域或职业轨道 their undergraduate college work.  Students find the same flexibility in their graduate studies as well.  Students trained in biology are knowledgeable in plant biology, 动物生物学、微生物学、生态学、化学、数学和物理等等 specific fields directly related to their career path.

在选择职业或确定最佳学位计划以实现你的目标时, 你的第一步应该是与生物系的一位教员见面

Finally we recommend that you make use of the Internet.  Using a search engine or 从下面提供的链接开始,你将能够找到有用的一般职业 information as well as sites devoted to specific fields.


Botany is the scientific study of plant life. As a branch of biology, it is also sometimes referred to as plant science(s) or plant biology. Botany covers a wide range of scientific 研究生长、繁殖、新陈代谢、发育、疾病的学科, and evolution of plants.


Entomology is the scientific study of insects. Insects have many kinds of interactions 与人类和地球上其他形式的生命一样,这是一个重要的专业 biology; unlike many other fields however, entomologists include both persons studying 昆虫为自己的利益,和那些受雇于商业关注感兴趣 the control of insects.


The scientific study of relationships between organisms and their environment. It 与个体物种的生活史、分布和行为有关 以及人口层面的自然系统的结构和功能, communities, and ecosystems.


A branch of biology that deals with the hereditary and variation of organisms. Anything 基因是遗传的,与传递的信息有关 parents to offspring.


微生物学(在希腊语中micron =微小,biologia =研究生命)是一门研究 microorganisms, including viruses, prokaryotes and simple eukaryotes. Today, most 微生物学的大部分工作是用生物化学和遗传学的方法来完成的. 它也与病理学、免疫学和流行病学有关 are pathogens.


生物学研究动物的一个分支,包括它们的结构、功能、生长、 origin, evolution, and distribution.


Human Anatomy

Human anatomy or anthropotomy is a special field within anatomy. It studies organs 和人体的器官系统,把组织的研究留给组织学和 cells to cytology. The human body, like the bodies of all animals, is made up of systems, 它们由器官组成,由组织组成,由细胞组成.

Human Physiology

人体生理学是研究机械、物理和生化功能的学科 of humans or human tissues or organs.

Medical/Clinical Laboratory Science


护理学是一门应用科学,它有独特的运用原理的知识体系 from the physical, biological, and behavioral sciences. The central concern of nursing is the holistic person. The focus of nursing is health promotion, maintenance, curative, 对所有年龄的个人和团体采取恢复性、支持性和临终关怀 into consideration the factors that influence them in the total environment.

Physical Therapy

物理治疗(又称物理治疗)是一门与健康有关的专业 通过身体检查来评估、诊断和治疗疾病和残疾 means. It is based upon principles of medical science, and is generally held to be within the sphere of conventional (rather than alternative) medicine.


使用辐射(如x射线)或其他成像技术(如超声波) and magnetic resonance imaging) to diagnose or treat disease.



医学的一个分支,包括任何疾病的诊断、预防和治疗 concern about teeth, oral cavity, and associated structures.


The physical manipulation of the skeletal-muscular system of the body. The adjustment 恢复正常的神经系统功能并促进 the body's natural healing capability.


医学是健康科学的一个分支,涉及保持健康和恢复健康 it by treating disease. Medicine is both an area of knowledge (a science), and the (医学专业人员和其他卫生专业人员)对这些知识的应用 such as nurses). The various specialized branches of the science of medicine correspond 专科:治疗特定器官或疾病的同样专门的医学专业.


专注于疾病的诊断和非手术治疗的专业 eye and vision care.


骨病是医学的主体,最初使用严格的手法技术 用于纠正被认为引起疾病和抑制康复的身体异常. 然而,在过去的一个世纪里,整骨疗法已经涵盖了医学的所有领域 (在世界各地程度不同),包括使用处方药和 surgery, in addition to manipulative techniques.


Pharmacy is the profession of compounding and dispensing medication. More recently, 这个术语已经包括与病人护理相关的其他服务,包括临床 practice, medication review, drug information, etc.

Physical Therapy

物理治疗(又称物理治疗)是一门与健康有关的专业 通过身体检查来评估、诊断和治疗疾病和残疾 means. It is based upon principles of medical science, and is generally held to be within the sphere of conventional (rather than alternative) medicine.


专门研究人类足部状况和功能的卫生保健领域. It includes examination, diagnosis and treatment by medical and surgical methods.

Veterinary Medicine

医学的分支,研究疾病的诊断和治疗 injuries of animals (especially domestic animals).

Environmental Studies

环境研究是对人与自然相互作用的系统研究 environment. It is a broad field of study that includes, in addition to the natural 环境,建筑环境,社会环境,组织环境, and the sets of relationships between them.

Fisheries and Wildlife Management

科学和技术原则在野生动物种群和 基本上维持这些种群(特别是哺乳动物、鸟类和鱼类)的栖息地 for recreational and/or scientific purposes.


The science of the development and care of forests; the management of growing timber. 气候学起着重要作用,包括对总体宜居性的研究 对森林不利的天气条件如大雪、霜、釉、强 风、旱(火天气),以及小气候的分析 森林本身及其对害虫繁殖、传播和控制的影响.

Rangeland Resources Management


Recreation Resource Management



AIBS American Institute of Biological Science: Careers in Biology
CELS Coalition for Education in the Life Sciences
CELS link to educational societies
SICB The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
Furman University: Biology Careers Page
Emporia State University: Careers in Biology